
The Farm

Finca Los Guayabos is located at the foot of the Barva Volcano, in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. The farm’s area is approximately 11 hectares (27 acres), 9 hectares (22 acres) of which is dedicated to growing 8 varietals of premium shade grown arabica coffee, and the remaining land consisting of fruit orchards and environmental corridors. The average altitude of the farm is 1,200 meters (3,900 feet) above sea level. The rich volcanic soil, comfortable altitude and stable climate combine to create a great environment for growing quality coffee.


Our Coffee

At Finca Los Guayabos we grow premium arabica coffee. Our farm’s varietals consist of 40% Caturra, 30% Cataui, 20% Obota and 10% Catimor. We are also experimenting with several rust resistant varietals including Marsellesa and Starmaya. All of our coffee is shade grown with Poro and Eucalyptus trees, which are deciduous and the resulting leaf-fall is naturally nitrogen fixing.

In addition, our employees use mechanical weed whackers to avoid the use of toxic herbicides. Monthly farm visits from senior Agronomists ensure strict adherence to Rainforest Alliance Certified foliar disease prevention practices. Using the analyses of our annual soil samples conducted by both CAFESA and ICafe (Coffee Institute of Costa Rica), we determine the appropriate chemical formulation of fertilizers for the coming year.


We began growing coffee in 1978, in a shaded one-hectare plot on the northern section of the farm. In those days, the coffee grew alongside asparagus, citrus and ornamental cane, which we exported to help fund our coffee expansion. By 2000 we had planted an additional eight hectares of coffee using plants grown in our nursery annually, from imported seeds. Committed to growing top quality coffee, we experimented with various growing methods.

Los Guayabos coffee was certified organic for two years between 2006 and 2007, during which time we saw a significant reduction in yield. Discovering the Rainforest Alliance Certification in 2008, we felt their principles of sustainable farming best suited our farm. Since 2009, we have proudly complied with the certification’s rigorous criteria and continue to complete annual certification learning courses.

Today, we are committed to staying current with coffee trends in the market. In 2019 we established a relationship with a local boutique coffee mill to test the quality (cup) and sell the selected high quality micro-lots, as part of an improved marketing strategy and to increase profit margins.



Our Staff

At Finca Los Guayabos we offer free accommodation for all of our employees, seasonal coffee pickers and their families. This unique characteristic of our farm helps sustain the familiar atmosphere we strive for. Victor and Jesus, our farm managers, began their careers as coffee pickers on our first harvest in 1978. Today their children and grandchildren live and work on the farm, and are considered part of the family. Similarly, we have employed the same group of seasonal coffee pickers for more than 15 years, and it is their consistent, dedicated work that has helped us maintain Finca Los Guayabos. As our farm and ambitions have grown over the years, so has our team, which now includes a CPA licensed accountant, a local attorney and a marketing & strategy consultant from Manhattan.

In addition to accommodation, we have supported our employees’ family members with many educational and employment opportunities over the years. As we push ourselves to grow the best coffee we can, so we encourage our team to reach their full potential. Pura vida!